Mosaic chalcedony points

This is something completely different; mosaic chalcedony points from Bahia, Brazil. Grounding, firm, calmly present and intriguing.
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Mosaic chalcedony is a mystical stone from Brazil with an earthy yet high light vibration. It brings balance, deepening and growth. This mosaic chalcedony combines the higher spheres and those of the natural beings with a powerful earth connection. Good shaman stone! Makes one aware of one's purpose on earth, increases willpower and helps to ground the spiritual light in the body. Mosaic chalcedony gives self-insight and self-confidence, helps to break through resistance and accept changes. Good for memory and calming during stress, overstrain and depression. Physically, mosaic chalcedony is beneficial for bleeding, colds, eczema, hair loss, calcium deficiency, fluid retention and chilblains. It lowers blood pressure and promotes the immune system. Good for the lungs, breathing and lymphatic system.

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